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He ra hou tenei kua

Practise this song at home.


MATH-A-THON Room 3 made an excellent effort in learning their math-a-thon questions and completing the quiz on Friday! Now share your excellent results with your sponsors and start collecting. Hand your fundraising money to Miss Harris and any point this week. 


Check out these awesome drawings of rattlesnakes and huskies! Use this link to find more tutorials on drawing -

Factors and Multiples

We worked really well in Room 3 learning about factors and multiples and then using our knowledge to find the longest chain in a 100's grid.  Follow this link for the instructions - Use the 100's grid on this page to see if you can get a longer chain!  Well done to Hannah, Cassidy, Emma and Henry who get a chain of 39!  Another group then found a chain of 42! If you find a longer chain let Miss Harris know! 

In the Hall of the Mountain King

We have been doing some music in Room 3. Listen to this great piece from an orchestra. Can you think about a story that goes along with the music? There were some great examples that the students thought of, for example, spies chasing and being involved in a hot dog eating competition.  Can you think of any others? Write a story and bring into class to share. 


This term we have been learning about citizenship and how we can be a good citizen at school, home and in our communities.  We created super citizens who go into the community and save the day by showing a good citizen trait e.g. honesty, perseverance, respect.   We welcome you in to Room 3 to come and have a look!